Pre-Trial Release
Pre-Trial Release
The Pre-Trial Release Program is a service to the courts that is designed to objectively assess the defendant’s qualifications for release on his/her own recognizance pending disposition of the criminal charge. This verified information is provided to the court within 24 hours (72 hours on the weekend) to expedite a safe and timely release.
The program provides defendants released through the program with services that stabilize their situations and ensure their appearance in court through timely notification of court dates. The integrity of the dispositional process is ensured by promptly informing the court of any violations concerning special release orders.
* Released with Court Reminders ONLY
We will notify the defendants of their court dates ONLY using their choice of notification.
* Released with Basic Supervision
We will notify the defendants of their court dates and they are to check in with staff ONCE a week.
* Release with Moderate Supervision
We will notify the defendants of their court dates and they are to check in with staff ONE OR MORE times a week & other conditions specified by the judge.
* Released with Enhanced Supervision
We will notify the defendants of their court dates and they are to check in with staff, complete evaluation & enter treatment if recommended. Updates sent to the judge.
Enhanced Release
If needed and/or requested by the court, staff will refer individuals for chemical and/or mental health evaluations. Recommendations are then passed on to the court for consideration.
If the presiding Judge agrees to release a defendant, the defendant will have the conditions of Basic Pre-Trial Release and be required to participate in an intensive chemical dependency and/or mental health counseling program as a condition of their release.
Client progress is monitored and reported to the court until the resolution of the pending charge(s).
Electronic Monitoring
Electronic Monitoring is an adjunct to the Enhanced Release program.
This form of release is ordered after the least restrictive options have been exhausted and/or the presiding Judge deems there is a risk that the individual will not return for future court dates. Basic electronic monitoring under Pre-Trial Release is GPS only unless additional conditions are necessary and ordered by the presiding Judge. This condition of release is a sixty (60) day order and must be readdressed to determine if this level of release is necessary prior to the end of sixty (60) days.
Wayne Pre-Trial Services staff monitor the defendant’s activities and coordinate the installationof the device. Client progress is then reported to the court until the resolution of the pendingcharge(s).